
Vacuum Gas Quenching Furnace

Some Common Faults and Removal Methods of Vacuum Gas Quenching Furnace

1. In the high temperature experiment, if the temperature change can not reach the experimental temperature value, we can check the electrical system and clean the defects one by one. If the temperature rises very slowly, we should check the wind cycle system to see whether the wind cycle control baffle is turned over normally, and vice versa, to see whether the wind cycle motor operation is normal. If the temperature overshoot is fierce, the setting parameters of PID need to be adjusted. Assuming that the temperature rises directly and the overtemperature is protected, the control surface must be replaced if the controller is defective.

2. When the equipment suddenly presents defects in the process of experimental operation, the corresponding defects appear on the control surface and there are sound alarm prompts. Operators can quickly find out which kind of defect is attributed to in the chapter of defect cleaning in operation and operation of equipment, and then ask professionals to quickly clean the defect to ensure the normal operation of the experiment. There will be other phenomena in the operation of other environmental laboratory equipment, so we need to analyze and clean up the specific phenomena.

3. If the low temperature can't reach the principle of experiment, then you need to inquire about the change of temperature. It is the slow drop of temperature, or the rising trend of temperature after the temperature reaches a certain value. The former should check whether the working room is dried before the vacuum furnace does the low temperature experiment, so that the working room insists on monotony and then puts the experimental sample into the working room for further experiment, whether the experimental sample is placed in the working room or not. Too much, so that the indoor air can not be fully recycled, after cleaning up the above reasons, we should consider whether the refrigeration system is defective, so we need to ask the professional personnel of the manufacturer to repair.




