
Vacuum heat treatment process equipment

Vacuum heat treatment equipment design and manufacturing involves a wide range of disciplines and technical fields, and related technologies are developing rapidly. Its main disciplines and technical fields include heat transfer, fluid (gas, liquid) mechanics, Electrotechnics and microelectronics, computer and control technology, mechanical design and manufacture, vacuum technology and vacuum unit, high temperature materials and special materials, sensors and sensing technology.

The application of these subjects and technologies in the design and manufacture of vacuum heat treatment equipment is too complicated and often leaks 10,000. The rapid development of new technologies and their infiltration into the design and manufacture technology of vacuum heat treatment equipment increase the difficulty of comprehensive theoretical discussion.

More than ten key technologies commonly encountered in the design and manufacture of vacuum heat treatment equipment are introduced in this paper, based on the recent technological progress and practical experience in developing vacuum heat treatment equipment. As a typical component (system) and basic key technology of vacuum heat treatment equipment design and manufacture technology, this paper elaborates. It is hoped that it can serve as inspiration and reference for scientific and technological personnel engaged in this work.




