
The correct use of single crystal furnace maintenance on a regular basis

The correct use of single crystal furnace maintenance on a regular basis

In the operation of single crystal furnace because always is in a state of high temperature, high and strict with other parts, because of the need to maintain the work over a long period of time, so you need to pay special attention to make the necessary maintenance on a regular basis.
1, crucible drive requirement of motion accuracy is higher, is the core equipment of the moving parts, should focus on maintenance. Axis is graphite crucible crucible support shaft, should check the cooling water, so as to avoid loss.
Crucible driven by ball screw and linear guide rail structure, are key components in crucible driver, should be kept clean, dust and debris adhesion, is strictly prohibited and daub grease on a regular basis.
2, seed crystal rotation and hoisting mechanism of maintenance
Seed crystal rotating parts and hoisting mechanism is the key of the single crystal furnace, the unit operation quality directly affects the growth of single crystal. Therefore, must also focus on maintenance.
Roll wheel box is the core of the seed crystal ascension, roll wheel box parts in general may not arbitrarily dismantled and must be pulled down, must ensure that the flexible shaft on the reinstall. Flexible shaft steel wire rope in use are not allowed to have die bending phenomenon, and in every time when blow-in check whether the wire rope is burning, if there is any damage should be timely repair or replacement of new steel wire rope.
In addition to the above two points, before each furnace should check whether the water system is open, the water temperature detection sensor installation is normal. Found a scale should be clear in time. In the process of crystal pulling, if discover the water pressure alarm or leak to take timely measures. Every batch vacuum pipeline filter to clean up once, suction pipe once every 20 ~ 30 furnace clean.

