
Hydrogen Supply Methods For Heat Treating Operations

Hydrogen Supply Methods For Heat Treating Operations

 Many manufacturing processes today rely on hydrogen as an important protective and reducing atmosphere, especially in the production of stainless steel alloys. The method of gas delivery should be carefully evaluated to optimize production efficiency and to minimize manufacturing costs. 
Hydrogen has been used in both pure form and in gas mixtures for many years in thermal and metallurgical processes such as sintering, brazing, annealing, powder coating, metal injection molding and welding operations.
Improvements in hydrogen production technology are offering new, cost-effective and environmentally sound options for metal producers. In weighing these options, metallurgists and heat treaters must consider the location of their facilities, hydrogen-use patterns, current average hydrogen consumption and estimated future needs; as well as storage, siting, regulatory and maintenance issues. It is also necessary to take into account the level of hydrogen purity required for a specific process.
Hydrogen generators provide a particularly attractive solution for captive or commercial heat treating operations that process stainless steel components, operate 24/7 and have furnaces requiring high- purity gas. In fact, on-site generators are ideal for locations where hydrogen delivery and storage is difficult or prohibited.

