
Heat treatment production technology and craft work

Heat treatment production technology and craft work

(1) heat treatment factory for specific products or equipment, necessary to direct production process documents. Such as process planning (i.e., process CARDS), safety operation procedures. Process equipment drawings and files, heat treatment parts list and process route, etc.
(2) indirect direct production process work must according to the file. Such as heat treatment furnace process claim, tooling design specification and sign technical records (or technical agreement), etc.
(3) general process files. Such as process rules, a manual, quality inspection procedures, safety regulations, etc.
Different tissue types have different production process management system, to meet the needs of the production, ensure the quality of heat treatment, must have corresponding process files. General of small and medium-sized machinery factory has the following kinds:
1) heat treatment parts list: summarize reflect parts of material, heat treatment type and requirements (including its process and heat treatment it proposed supplementary heat treated parts and process itself), part number, size and weight, etc., is a production process analysis, production preparation and organization of important documents.
2) heat treatment process card: in the form of a text and graphics to express parts heat treatment process of the basic types of process card mouth is there a special process for a certain parts or process card and on the similar and different specifications of the parts or general process card of various kinds of heat treatment process.
3) process code: namely must follow the principle of heat treatment process.
4) heat treatment craft equipment files, including the design specification, drawings and process equipment of fine table, etc.
5) heat treatment furnace of temporary heat treatment technology: because of the temporary change production conditions or for special orders, material substitution and new products, new technology of batch test using short-term effective process.

