
Numerical analysis of vacuum furnace

Numerical analysis of vacuum furnace

Magnesium smelting process conditions in order to improve and overcome many problems, funded by the Science and Technology Department of Ningxia, specialty materials laboratory material, Xi'an University of Science and west of the country to undertake special projects, self-invented the heat-type electric vacuum with metal magnesium vacuum smelting furnace technology. The technology uses a secondary energy - electric heating, heat from the reactor material inside, to avoid problems caused by pollution from fuel combustion, it is also to avoid the traditional material reduction tank many restrictions on the reduction process. In this paper, the mechanism of new technologies, core temperature vacuum furnace equipment research.
According vacuum furnace should be consistent with the heat transfer equation in cylindrical coordinates heat transfer equation, since the entire course of the reaction, the temperature of the diffusion furnace is the radial distance r and time t, so only three variables temperature T-T ( r, jealousy, f), namely two spatial variables and a time variable. Geometric zone temperature is at the site of a circle, when the thermal conductivity of the material is constant within the annular region Differential thermal stability is: where: T is transient temperature, ℃; t is the reaction time, s; A is The average thermal conductivity of the reaction material, W · m-1 · ℃ ~, can be treated as a constant; p is the average density of the reaction materials, kg / m3; G reaction expected average specific heat, J · kg_1 · ℃ 1; roar of the furnace core internal heat source strength (ie surface load furnace core), W · m ~, do constant process. R is the radius of the furnace, the vertical angle.

