
About the role of vacuum heat treatment furnace thermal insulation

About the role of vacuum heat treatment furnace thermal insulation
Vacuum heat treatment furnace used in industrial processes, and has a very important role, so you understand the vacuum heat treatment furnace insulation? Insulating layer has what function? Below we together and see it.
The thermal insulation layer is generally cylindrical, so that the heat transfer effect is good, and the heat loss is small. Vacuum heat treatment furnace of the thermal insulation material and thickness, mostly oil vacuum and temperature. What role does the heat insulation layer? Is when heating the workpiece, heat insulation, thermal insulation layer of vacuum heat treatment furnace for material and structure is different, so there are different kinds.


The working technology of low temperature box type heat treatment furnace

The working technology of low temperature box type heat treatment furnace
Low temperature box type heat treatment furnace used for tempering and non-ferrous metal heat treatment. The heating mode can be divided into direct heating and separate heating. Direct heating thermal efficiency is high, but the workpiece tend to be direct thermal radiation caused by high temperature electric heating element local overheating, the solution is to put insulation plate between the workpiece and the electric heating element (such as charging box, etc.). Separation of heating is to use hot fan will be in the hot gas into the furnace. Separate low temperature electric box furnace used in the practical application is less, most used in the workshop or well type box-type furnace heat treatment at low temperature.


The vacuum heat treatment furnace in the automobile exhaust purifier manufacture concrete action
As the carrier of automobile exhaust purifier consists of casing, liner, and the catalyst components. We want to make them together and have the purpose of purifying exhaust, which would involve the components between the joint and the joint between catalyst and components. Vacuum heat treatment furnace is the use of its advantages, the success of the parts will fit together.
The vacuum heat treatment furnace in the automobile exhaust purifier manufacture concrete action
(1) the vacuum heat treatment furnace heating in vacuum, vacuum to prevent oxidation, degassing effect.
A, anti-oxidation function make the workpiece surface decarburization, carburizing, also can remove phosphorus chip and rust on the surface of the workpiece. Cleaning the surface, can make the solder and catalyst better adhere to the surface, improve the quality of the products.
B, degassing effect. Improve the purity of material surface, improve the fatigue strength, plasticity and toughness. So as to improve the mechanical properties of the workpiece and service life.
(2) the high heating temperature, skim and effectively remove oil, the evaporation of various impurities, purify surface, thus to further improve the quality of products.
(3) the vacuum heat treatment furnace heating speed control, and constant temperature zone temperature deviation is small. Can slow heating, so the workpiece temperature balance, each part temperature difference is small, the thermal stress is lesser, small deformation after forming. Can easily cooperate with various standard parts, to ensure that the product yield and quality. Welding not only fail to prevent oxidation of traditional process, and the welding part of high temperature, large temperature difference between the parts of components, the great amount of deformation after forming, could not reach the requirements of the product.
(4) the vacuum heat treatment furnace workpiece with the increase of temperature, the solubility of hydrogen will be more and more small, penetration workpiece internal hydrogen will gradually precipitate, so no vacuum heat treatment furnace, hydrogen embrittlement.
(5) the vacuum heat treatment is controlled by a microcomputer, small error rate, process stability and repeatability.
(6) the most important energy saving vacuum heat treatment furnace, don't need a flammable gas, and controlled atmosphere than, save raw materials, low cost, suitable for mass production.


Industrial vacuum furnace pressure quenching heat treatment research

Industrial vacuum furnace pressure quenching heat treatment research
A company's latest work in pressure quenching system is to improve the processing capacity of disc type vacuum heat treatment furnace, the company to obtain the high hardness can meet the strict parts as stress strain, the research objective of the fire. The adoption of pressurized gas in the vacuum furnace cooling system, improves the performance of the process and parts to improve, so lead to pressure vessel furnace in the whole industry. Because of the limitation of the furnace under positive pressure operation is very strict, this requires that the operator must strictly abide by rules of operation when using the device. The service life of the furnace due to the performance of the high pressure change, so must be of high pressure gas quenching furnace is often established test and operation procedures.
The pressurized gas quenching process is implemented by adopting high speed circulation gas, in order to achieve a high cooling rate, high velocity gas absolute pressure in l.s xlo5Pa. The low pressure quenching eliminates several atmospheric pressure under the strain of fire restrictions, reduces the vacuum container manufacturing costs, and greatly reduce the consumption of gas quenching. The characteristics of engineering design as soon as possible, the feasibility of repair was the pressure to consider the main problem in the design of quenching system. This furnace design feature is to emphasize the most popular and convenient, which in order to maintain and easy to close to the stove hot when charging, furnace furnace chamber is interrupted.